Monday, November 18, 2013

The Stomach Flu: Part II

Last week I (Olivia) discussed some ways to prepare & treat the flu this season. You can read the post here. Today I want to talk about healing with essential oils. I do want to be clear on one thing - although I regularly use EO's to prevent & treat common illnesses, modern medicine is still very much my friend. I have seen miraculous healing using both methods of medicine. This post is in no way intended to bash doctors or glorify alternative medicines. I have found that each are equally important to maintain well being.

Before I describe my EO regimen, it is important to know the oils are potent and only a small drop or two is necessary and that they almost always need to be diluted with a carrier oil such as Vitamin E oil, coconut oil, or olive oil. I usually use a 2:1 ratio with carrier & essential oils. This helps protect the skin from irritation and helps with absorption.

The first day the flu set in I didn't do anything to care for myself. After some help & encouraging words from my MIL I  focused on what needed to be done: kick this flu's trash. I mixed two parts oil to two parts tea tree oil and rubbed on my abdomen, and a bit on my neck lymph nodes. There are lots of lymph nodes located on and around the neck, so I just draw a line starting behind the ear lobe and pull down in a slight diagonal to just above where the neck meets the inside of the clavicle. I applied just before bed.

In the morning I mixed two parts Vit E oil with one part Deliverance and rubbed it into the soles of my feet, then put on socks. Essentials oils can leave a hefty stain so make sure to let it soak in or just wear grubby clothes you won't mind staining.

When my kids caught the flu I used a couple different oils. I applied tea tree oil to their neck nodes during the day. They seemed to have more trouble sleeping than I did so I applied Aspire in a 2:1 ratio to their chests, focusing on the bronchial tubes and esophagus. I did this at night only.

During the day I put a couple drops of On Guard into a pot of water & let it boil until there was about an inch of water left and then refilled the pot. This particular blend is very potent, so if you have a sensitive nose you may want to use less oil in the water, or dilute a couple drops in a tablespoon of carrier oil and diffuse it.

Although I didn't have peppermint oil on hand, you can also dilute a drop or two in water and drink it for nausea relief. My cousin in law sends some to school with her children to help with nervousness. She says it works great.

These are just a few of the many essential oils available and only one way to use them. Essential oils not only provide physical relief but also emotional and mental relief as well. Each oil (whether single or blended) has specific properties that focus on certain parts of the body and spirit. I wish I could explain all of it, but my knowledge of EO's is very basic. I've been taking classes and reading looks to better understand them. Thankfully I have close family who is more knowledgable that I can call on to help me. I also visit a naturopathic specialist in Twin Falls. Her name is Dr. Brenda Grogan and she is amazing. Her business is called The Healthy Way. She offers classes, hypnotism therapy, and mid-wifery, among other things. And, she is very tuned in. She can see right through your lie & will call you on it. Kinda freaky sometimes.

I of course will continue to learn and share my experiences with essential oils with you here on the blog. And someday, we can talk about reflexology & the energy systems of the body. I find it fascinating and when you get down to it, it's all fairly simple and logical.

So here's hoping these uses will get you started on discovering the work of oils.
Happy Tuesday!

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